Dr. William Medick
William J. Medick, Ph.D., L.P. Clinical Psychology
William J. Medick specializes in neuropsychological services, and cognitive behavioral therapy, typically for mature adults. Dr. Medick ‘s office is in Marquette, Michigan where he provides in-person and telehealth services to clients in Marquette County, Monroe County, and the Detroit Metropolitan area. Dr. Medick holds an affiliate position with ProMedica Monroe Regional Hospital, Monroe, Michigan. He provides services for various physicians and attorneys. Services include head injury, cognitive examinations, bariatric evaluations, memory screens, education challenges, depression, and anxiety. These services have benefited individuals seeking education and knowledge about good mental and good physical health.
After graduation from Eastern Michigan University’s undergraduate and graduate programs in Clinical Psychology, he continued his education at the University of Michigan; Institute of Gerontology; Ann Arbor, Michigan obtaining his Specialist Certification in Aging. His master’s thesis in Developmental Psychology at Wayne State University is titled “Autobiographical Memory Performance in the Depressed Elderly.” He obtained his doctoral degree from the Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, Ohio in psychology and neuropsychology with an emphasis in memory in older adults. His Project Demonstrating Excellent is titled “Autobiographical Memory Performance in Demented, Depressed and Normal Elderly.”
Previous experience includes research at Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital; Westland, Michigan; Director of Psychological Services at the Psychiatric Center of Michigan Hospital; New Baltimore, Michigan; employment at Michigan Health Care Corporation; Detroit, Michigan; and practicum work at the Allen Park Veterans Administration Medical Center; Allen Park, Michigan, and now private practice.
Dr. Medick’s professional membership is with the American Psychological Association, and the Military Psychology Division, and the Michigan Psychological Association. He is a Licensed Psychologist in the State of Michigan.